O nás
Poznejte Miglass s.r.o.
Jsme českou rodinnou firmou založenou v roce 1997. Pyšníme se dlouholetou tradicí výroby, zpracování a zušlechťování skla. Sklo je pro nás atraktivní materiál, který má velmi široké uplatnění a téměř nekonečné spektrum možností tvarování a dekorování. Díky výrobě skla můžeme uplatnit vlastní invenci a záměr.
"Krása má tolik významů, jako člověk nálad. Je symbolem symbolu."
Oscar Wilde
Why glass?
Ever since I was a child, I have enjoyed painting and exploring the world from a different perspective. My choice when choosing a school was clear, i.e. studying art. After graduating from the School of Glass Industry, my husband and I started a business in this field. He handled the business side and I handled the design side. Today we have several employees and have added both sons to help us.
I started to work with glass after I met my wife. She was then employed as a glass painter and I come from a glass region, so we decided together that we would pursue this field to the fullest. After several years of hard work, we have managed to build a stable company that we will one day pass on to our sons.
I've always been close to art and having grown up in a glass family, glass became a very attractive material to me. Thanks to it I can apply a wide range of my design inventions, so my path to continue the family tradition seems clear to me.